【同义词辨析】 2020-03-23 劝导induce-get

induce: implies an influencing of the reason or judgment often by pointing out the advantages or gains that depend upon the desired decision: ~d them to vote for his proposal.

persuade: implies appealing as much to the emotions as to reason by such things as pleas, entreaty, or expostulation in attempting to win over: ~d them to obey the ceasefire.     appeal有3个意思 1、请求、诉诸to request,如she appealed to Germany for political asylum请求避难,如本例 2、上诉,如an appeal court/judge上诉法庭/法官,如to file/lodge an appeal提出上诉,如he said they would appeal against the decision他说他们将对该决议提出上诉 3、吸引to attract,如these topics appeal to youngsters对年轻人有吸引力)    plea请求理解同情宽容等, their plea for a quieter society他们请求构建更安静的社会)   (entreat劝说: to persuade or overcome resistance劝说克服抵抗,如entreated him to change his mind劝说他改变主意)   expostulate劝诫、反对,表示积极解释反对的原因,和object反对在一组

prevail: usually used with on or upon, carries a strong implication of overcoming opposition or reluctance with sustained argument or pressure or cogent appeals: ~ed upon them to stay for the night.   cogent有说服力令人信服的,表示既证据确凿又表达有力

get: the most neutral of these terms, can replace any of them, especially when the method by which a decision is brought about is irrelevant or deliberately not stressed: finally ~ the boy to do his homework.

induce引导劝说: 表示指出优势收益,以引导(影响)他人推理判断,persuade劝说: 指请求劝说劝诫,既引导推理也引导感情,prevail说服: 指持续说理劝说化解反对和不愿意,get使: 通用,可替代其它词,用于无需说明或强调具体方法的情况

记忆方法: 1)首字母IPPG重组成PPIG胖猪<==要人劝导   ""有2个意思 1、拉 2、招来导致。引的字形像人在拉弓,本义是"开弓",引申指"",如牵引引力穿针引线;开弓是"向自身方向"拉,故又引申为"招来导致",如引进引入招引指引引导引诱引用引言引人入胜引无数英雄竞折腰     ""的意思是"指引",导的本字,上面是首表示人,下边是""表示手,再下面是止表示脚,合在一起的意思是: "人走路时需要得到指引",还引申出"传递或启发",和本义紧密相关。如领导引导开导向导导游导游导师导演导致;传导导电导热;开导教导       ""有2个意思 1、说服,讲明事理让人听从,如劝说劝解劝导劝教劝谏劝慰劝戒劝进劝退 2、勉励,如劝勉劝业劝善,如荀子的劝学。劝是形声字,从力雚声guàn,简化字中"又"仅是一个符号,本义是"勉励"

         2)劝导的意思是让人做事作决定mean to move one to act or decide in a certain way.